South Jersey Pathwork


We honor the light

you are in this world

“Accepting (your faults) does not mean wanting to stay in a state of imperfection. It means that you first have to learn to accept your state of imperfection.”

— Pathwork Guide Lecture 31: Shame


Register for our Pathwork Retreat

We are happy to announce our next Pathwork retreat at Menla, which will be held mid-week, from Tuesday, October 15th through Thursday, October 17th. You can find our registration form here. Just download and mail it back.

Room and board for the mid-week workshop/retreat will be $350.

Lecture we will be working with to be announced soon.

Horror and Hope: The Long-Term Impact of Separating Children from Parents at the Border

This is not a Political Issue, this is a Humanity Issue Pathwork Helper and teacher, Judith Garten, made a video with two other colleagues.  They made this offering, though they admit imperfect, with love and compassion for all the families ripped apart at our Southern border.  Judith in particular can understand the impact, as she was orphaned in the ending years of the Holocaust. Their goal is to inform people about the effects, for which she bring in colleagues who specialize in childhood trauma and development impacts.  And it’s a call to action, with some ways to do that, if you are moved.  They geared it to a general audience, not Pathworkers alone. If you are inspired to see it, it’s about 22 minutes long. 

“Why Dig in The Darkness”- The Mind-Blowing Damage of Denial

When you get right down to it, suffering doesn’t come to us, it comes through us. It originates from the depths of our beings, from our destructiveness. What happens is that we all become busy little bees, trying to figure out how to avoid, reduce or eliminate our suffering. But since we are presently chained to this world of duality, our typical methods don't work. For in our minds eye we see two forces that oppose each other. One is good, or constructive, and the other is bad, or destructive. And right there, in the moment we get trapped in this system of dualistic thinking, we lose any possibility of solving our problem. And of course our problem, we think, is whatever is causing us to suffer. The bigger problems lies in the way we automatically begin to shield ourselves from actually seeing whatever is destructive within us. We deny. We avoid. We repress. We lie to ourselves and others. We do whatever it takes to not see there is a root cause for our suffering, and it’s in us.  (Continue Reading...)

Weekly Quote

"When man is in harmony with life because he is connected with his own causes and effects, his position toward the forces of life can be compared to a swimmer. The swimmer floats on the water. The water carries him. And yet he moves, he is not passive."         from PGL #160: Conciliation of the Inner Split   


“A vessel that is closed cannot be filled any more than it can be emptied. When you hold yourself tight and guarded, you not only fail to protect yourself from danger, but you close yourself to all the healthy universal forces — those that could and should stream out of you, and that could and should stream into you.”
— Pathwork Guide Lecture #155


Join us this summer!


The Philadelphia Pathwork Summer Institute offers you the luxury of time and space to explore a topic in depth with master teachers. It is an opportunity to join with others from around the world who share a passion for this Path and the growth and transformation it provides.

This summer, choose from 3 separate programs that will run concurrently …

Other Offerings

Unlocking the Body's Mysteries

Where, Really, is the Wall?

THE WALLS WE BUILD IN OUR OUTER  MATERIAL WORLDARE ACTUALLY FAR EASIER TO DESTROY THAN THIS INNER WALL We all want the good stuff: love, truth, goodness and light. These desires emanate from the divine spark at the center of each person. But like sunlight trying to shine through dirty glass, these rays often taken on hazy shades as they penetrate our layers of imperfection.   So, yeah, our best self wants to be good, and to do good. At the same time, our efforts are often also colored by selfishness. Our motives are mixed, making us confused about what to do next.   Our path will become easier if we can accept that some of our motives come from a pure place and some come from a selfish one. Such clarity won’t be flattering or comfortable, but it will actually give us peace of mind. Truth, after all, is soothing once we’ve made up our mind not to fight it. Plus, coming down from our high horse is healthy and always has a positive effect on us.   So as we start out on a spiritual path, we may want to do good outwardly, while at the same time we harbor selfish thoughts within. This is normal. Our work at this point is to face ourselves as we are, and accept that we can’t change this quite yet. Then one of two things will happen. Either we will go about doing good deeds while hoping to gain admiration, or else...

The Pathwork Lectures

"Every human being senses an inner longing that goes deeper than the longings for emotional and creative fulfillment. This longing comes from sensing that another, more fulfilling state of consciousness and a larger capacity to experience life must exist."   — Pathwork Guide Lecture 204 Background on the Pathwork Lectures Visit the International Pathwork Foundation's complete downloadable lecture archive. The lectures given by Eva Pierrakos from 1957 until her death in 1979 are the heart of the Pathwork. They are an astonishing roadmap to self-responsibility, self-knowledge, and true self-acceptance. They point the way to genuine love of self, others, and the Divine. The lectures cover the wide spectrum of our human journey, from our struggles with self-doubt, self-hatred and fear of inadequacy to the barriers we put up to relating with others, and ultimately with what we each know as God. The lectures teach that vital life energy, feelings and insight are often buried under misconceptions about the nature of reality. We are all familiar with some of these wrong conclusions. For example, "It's weak to need and accept help; I don't deserve love and kindness; responsibility means a loss of freedom." When such misconceptions are carried into adult life, particularly when they are unconscious, we surrender our physical, spiritual...


Join us this summer!


The Philadelphia Pathwork Summer Institute offers you the luxury of time and space to explore a topic in depth with master teachers. It is an opportunity to join with others from around the world who share a passion for this Path and the growth and transformation it provides.

This summer, choose from 3 separate programs that will run concurrently …

What Our Students Say...

“Discovering Pathwork has been the tool to my soul.  Identifying my greatness, along with all my faults, has been a journey that will keep me honest and real …and understanding how to relate to others with a new view.”

 -Sue Coppens

What Our Students Say...

“I have been with Pathwork for over ten years.  Pathwork challenges me and encourages me to let go of old false beliefs that have been holding me back from being happy.  I have grown immensely and am grateful to the teachings and the teachers.”

-Marilyn O’Reilly

What Our Students Say...

“Pathwork has helped me open up my secrets from childhood that I kept  in, so I can see that there is a brighter life ahead”

– James Vorraso

What Our Students Say...

“Truly a life changing experience in my way of thinking and dealing with all aspects of living a happy harmonious life.”

– Tom Boselli

Membership in the South Jersey Region Pathwork

Your contributions allow us to continue our monthly presentations at Shetler Studios in NY, our local classes in Longport, NJ, and also subsidize our semi-annual weekends at the former Pathwork Center in Phoenicia, New York (now the Menla Center). Members can vote in our annual election for the members of our Board of Directors. Members also receive discounts on our weekends at the Menla Center.

The South Jersey Region Pathwork is an umbrella branch of the New York Region Pathwork and has no administrative expenses, and pays no salaries or benefits to any administrator. We are a group of volunteers, dedicated to this wonderful Pathwork. Our only recurring expenses are minimal bank and transactions fees (such as for donations). We also pay a small amount to file our nonprofit tax forms. You can donate directly in any amount using the PayPal link at the right.

We encourage our friends in the New York – New Jersey – Connecticut area to become monthly members!


We invite you to become a member of our community.  Your membership helps us continue to offer ongoing programs, workshops and events to further our growth as individuals and as a community. Your tax-deductable membership can be made monthly through recurring payments.  By donating a little each month you continue your support throughout the year! We offer the following options of your choosing.

  • ANGEL: $5/mo
  • GUARDIAN ANGEL:  $8/mo
  • ARCHANGEL: $10+/mo

Just click on the button below to select your subscription level and choose whether you wish you use your PayPal account or a credit card.

Membership Options

Please note that by contributing, you are automatically added to our email list.

You can unsubscribe at any time.

Membership also gives you the right to vote for Board Members every year and to set the agenda for our organization.